On March 16, 2018 at Borsa Italiana (Palazzo Mezzanotte – Milan) on the occasion of the anniversary of The Economy of Corriere della Sera, it has been distributed the publication of the research promoted by the Study Center of Italy Post entitled “The 500 Champions that beat the crisis”.
This research presents a selection made on the financial statements of Italian companies between 20 and 120 million euros of turnover which, between the years 2010 and 2016, performed above average.
Colosio has been chosen from a sample of over 14.000 companies that are characterized by growth rate (CAGR), profitability (EBITDA), financial strength (NFP) and rating (minimum BBB) and has become part of the “Champions”, a diversified group of companies ” top performers ” which represent, without a doubt, Italian excellence in the world.
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